Welcome to the Ship Creek Multi-Modal Transportation Plan web page!

The purpose of this website is to inform all interested persons about the activities, findings, and recommendations of this important work effort, and to solicit comments and suggestions that will help to assure an effective and implementable plan. 

Follow the links to the right to areas within this site that are of particular interest to you. Please note, since this site is currently Under Construction, some links are not active. Please check back often, because the content of this website will be updated regularly between now and July 2000. 

If you have any specific comments, questions, or suggestions related to the project or this website, please feel free to send them to the project manager, Mike McKeever, at Mike@McKMor.com


Project Description

Project Memos & Reports

Schedule of Upcoming Events



Project Team Members




To report problems with this web site, please contact the Site Administrator.

Copyright 2000 by Kittelson & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction for commercial use in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.